hoping your weekend looks something like this...


Julie Holloway said...

Oh, I wish that were my weekend! You have a lovely one, too.

Anonymous said...

I wouln't mind a vintage-style bath like that :)

Splendid Sass said...

Stunning! The mirror is enough on its own, but the tub added is the perfect package.
Have a nice weekend.

Acquired Objects said...

Here's hoping my weekend is like that too but I doubt it. I hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend too! Love that mirror!

Gretchen O. said...

I wish...the bath tub is likely to look like the walls, as we will have our hands in the dirt laying sod all weekend! Have a good one too...filled with football I presume:)

--Gretchen O.

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Oh my goodness............this is gorgeous!! I love that bath.....

I'm never sure if I like full length mirrors next to a bath.

They do look AMAZING but do you really want to see yourself without make up and wrinkled like a prune?!!

I love the colours here. Beautiful photo.


lisaroy said...

wouldn't that be lovely?? I could definitely soak away a few troubles in that tub :)

TSL said...

I'm hoping, too!

Unknown said...

I'm hoping it does, too! A black wall, an elegant tub, I can live with that! XX!

Kathysue said...

We can only wish!!! Happy weekend to YOU!! I have been gone for 3 wks so I am catching up, good to be home, Kathysue

Christina @ greige and My Sparrow said...

I wish.. mine looks like soccer games and work... but I still get to sleep in!

Unknown said...

Me too Donna! xoxo

Mona Thompson said...

Wouldn't that be nice? Have a great one. Mona

La Dolfina said...

Simply elegant!
Wishing you a relaxing weekend my friend!

red ticking said...

wishing you a wonderful weekend friend... xx

Jamie Herzlinger said...

Beautiful soaking tub n front of the mirror. thanks for the beautiful other suggestions-

jamie Herzlinger

lila said...

I wouldn't mind a vintage-style bath and the rest of this house too!
lovely blog by the way!

ALR said...

Love the mirror, light and tub, perfect combo. I would like to relax in the tub with a glass of wine!

Amy R.

Unknown said...

You have no idea how welcome this would be!!

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

I've only just found your blog today, living as I do in the UK but have got lots of inspiration from your photos already! My house is gradually becoming a grey zone too!!
Gorgeous blog!

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

That would be nice, what a tub. : ) Carrie

Rianna said...

That bath is fantastical! Very lavish!!
Rianna xxx

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

man i want that room!