black and white art pieces...

House Beautiful

my weakness.

my apologies for lack of credits...


Francine Gardner said...

I just loved this post! Being partial to modern art, I tend to collect black and white works. in my design work, i try to incorporate strong black and white charcoals or paintings

Kelly Krugh said...

I love the Kline-inspired paintings! I would love to have two like Kevin Sharkey does in his apt!!!

The Vintage Farmhouse said...

Apost after my own heart! I just re-did my dining room in black, white and gray.

Gretchen O. said...

There is just something about black and white....yin and yang. Great collection if photos as always:)

Gretchen O. said...

There is just something about black and white....yin and yang. Great collection if photos as always:)

Michelle @ Dream Home DIY said...

So and white has long been a favorite of mine. I particularly love the first photo.

Unknown said...

oooh, we share (another) weakness...seriously, I need to own something like this...LOVE!

Terry Browder, said...

Donna: I too love the strong graphics of the black and white art. I'll take a strong, abstract work any old day over something that is sentimental and under scale.

I Dream Of said...

Love graphic black and white art! That first photograph is gorgeous- and so interesting. What is that little green stump looking thing? It must be part of an art collection. I also love the Kline-inspired work. I've always wished I could sneak one into my home... XO

shi(f)t said...

Um - love all the matching artwork. Totally want to knock off the matching chests and art in the third one down. Lovely!

Acquired Objects said...

Beautiful images, love black and white artwork and it works in any home.

lisaroy said...

I'm really loving all the black & white art I've been seeing lately - it never dates and adds a bit of a modern punch to a space :)

Anonymous said...

Great post, something perfect for me... black and white is timeless, graphics, photography, paintings...
Do you know the author of the dotted painting? It's really cool! Jenna Lyons contrasted it finely with that fireplace.

Dylana Suarez said...

Beautiful beautiful rooms!


Callie Grayson said...

mine too!
So happy to see you back.

MANDY said...

My weakness too, these are lovely !!!

Tapping World Summit said...

Those paintings are stunning! I truly love black and white art!

Mona Thompson said...

Really love the huge contemporary piece I think in the second image. Killer!

quintessence said...

Love these strong graphic images.

Glamour Drops said...

An incredible post, Donna. That top image, of the room with the amazing combination of textures, is especially beautiful. Lovely colours and quirky elements. I could just take that over as my dining room, thanks.

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

You know there's a diy in there somewhere!!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Good stuff. I love the simple depth they add to a room.

Know any good etsy sites that do small black and white abstracts? I'd love little ones.

paula said...

adore it. I did a black and white for our dining room.


Yum...I want one! So graphic.

Splendid Willow said...

I am STILL waiting for your master piece!!!! Ho ho!?! Have you started yet -- on that b/w stripey one?

oxox, Mon

nelya said...

Mine as well.

Love them all and am bookmarking this entire post for future reference (read: drooling).

Dumbwit Tellher said...

HUGE fan of abstract B&W art. My weakness too ( :

Natural Area Rugs said...

Such wonderful combination, the white rug in the corner is really catchy plus the entire decorations.