
I'm passing along these words from my friend Brock Street, because when I read them on his blog, I couldn't forget them...

"why, oh why am i always on the prowl for inspiration. is it because i cannot find satisfaction in my own surroundings? is it because i am not grateful for all the blessing? these are the questions i ask myself if my thirst is never quenched.

i must confess the above is far from the truth. i simply am addicted to dreaming and creating and living a bit outside of my reality. aspire...not for more or better or even beauty...just an enormous appreciation...."

My thanks to Brock Street for putting into words what I could not.


Acquired Objects said...

Love what your friend wrote and I agree. As for that image it's stunning and I'm usually not a lucite chair fan but those work perfectly! Happy Friday!

anita said...

Well said.
Thanks, Donna.

The Decorator said...

Yes the thirst for finding beauty and inspiration is indeed an ongoing project!
Just can't get enough!!

Tiffany @ Savor Home said...

Amen to that...

Divine Theatre said...

I am always in search of something or another...not sure what, though!
Come visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY!


Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Yes, I love seeing what other's have done for inspiration, I guess the key is to remain happy with your own situation at the same time. Janell

Samantha said...

Yay for pretty pictures.

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Gorgeous dining room

Unknown said...

LIKE that...a lot!

Jil Casey said...

Double on the amen and add to that, having a passion and wanting to share it

Ivy Lane said...

yep! you guys said it best!!!! lovely image today!!

Happy Friday!

An Urban Cottage said...

Thank you for sharing that link. I saw him comment on something recently that made me look to see if he had a blog and I couldn't find a link.

red ticking said...

my dear friend asked me one day "does your mind ever sleep"? quite frankly... hardly ever. xoxo

travelkate said...

What a great quote to end the week!

Yolanda @ Miss Refashionista said...

Love it!

brock street said...

oh donna-
we are those birds that flock together. so glad you can identify.
thank you for the kind shout out.
have a great weekend.

liza said...

That is such a good one! Thank you for those words. Happy weekend!

Kerry said...

That is perfect...

Charlotta Ward said...

Very well said.

I think for me it is also the opportunity to learn more, develop and grow. I love to learn and have an addiction to expand my knowledge and to philosophize over all the marvelous inspiration presented.

Happy weekend my friend and warm hugs.

xx Charlotta

for the love of a house said...

amen indeed!


24 Corners said...

Brock *did* express so perfectly what I think so many of us feel...daily, in our hunger to visually appreciate all the glorious creativity out there.
xo J~

lisaroy said...

I completely agree xo

Charlie Davis said...

you can never have too much inspiration... x

Beadboard UpCountry said...

A beautiful picture and a wonderful sentiment......Loved this.Maryannexo

Susan said...

how lovely

Love Design Company said...

that is so well said. i often feel guilty for never being satisfied with my surroundings, always looking for something new to paint, to change. Love your blog and i am happy to follow!