happy, happy,

cozy, warm, family-filled, friends-filled, tummy-filled thanksgiving.

love to you all, donna


the gardener's cottage said...

same to you donna.

yesterday i was in my friends old home (she is 80 something) and we were wandering around and she was showing me this and that and this room you posted today reminds me v much of her place. they have lived in the house for over 60 yrs and most of the accessories and furniture came from estate sales and thriftshops. the rich combination of age and collection is just stunning and v hard to duplicate w/o it looking fake. do you know what i mean? i kept telling her that people would love this and she kept saying it's just old junk. i think this picture may change her mind.

helen tilston said...

Thank you Donna for the beautiful image of "home". It portrays a welcome space.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and family

Helen xx

house of earnest said...

You too, Donna! All the best to you and your family!

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Donna! Wishing you the same:)

Anonymous said...

Perfection dahhhling!

Hollywood forever, Kevin said...

Giving thanks to you my friend, your wonderful blog, and the support you have given mine. Gray is the word! Kevin

Splendid Willow said...

Tons of warm thoughts and good energy back at you!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Love, Mon

Acquired Objects said...

Same to you too Donna, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


Acquired Objects said...

Same to you too Donna, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


nelya said...

Love to you and yours, Donna. Happy Thanksgiving!

My Interior Life said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too! This photo is perfect.

Barbara@HausDesign said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you also! I loved the "tummy-filled" part - very cute way of summing up Thanksgiving! :) All the best...Barbara


Have a wonderful holiday with your family Donna. As usual...beautiful image.

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you , Donna. Hope you and your family have a wonderful day. Mona

AmyeToTheRescue! said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you. Thank you for making me smile...

Victoria said...

Have a happy Thanksgiving, Donna. I love the image. have two bergere chairs just like the one you pictured in virtually the same color.

quintessence said...

What a gorgeous image!! Hoping you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day!!

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

hope you had a lovely thanksgiving donna! x

Ivy Clad said...

Lovely picture of comfort! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.


Unknown said...

I hope you had a full tummy kind of thanksgiving! We went to Texas to visit my family, so lots of turkey + texmex!!!

On to the next holiday!
xo Elizabeth

Charlotta Ward said...

Dear Donna,

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am very grateful for our friendship. You are such a loving and caring person - a beautiful role model.

Big hugs

xx Charlotta

pve design said...


A big fat tear just strolled slowly down my cheek. My eyes feel all watery just looking at this image. My Great Aunt-Louise lived in a house full of antiques and although she died a hoarder and my mother had to clean out much of her home when she died....all I remember are her visits....

She gave me a wee glass of sherry - her home had a heady musty scent, smelling of years of silver, velvet, ivory, ebony, lacquer and she was an inspiration to me with her knowledge of love for fine things. She married 3 times and never had any off spring. She mused her antiques were her children.

She brought famous Ermins ice cream and cookies which we loved. Imagine one of seven and having something store bought - how decadent.
Eccentricities - indulge my soul.
