did I mention I like mirrors...?

have a great weekend! donna


Paula said...

WOWzer! Boy would I love that mirror! I confess, I already have too many mirrors to mention (they're breeding in captivity) - but that would be the Daddy of them all - totally gorgeous! Have a great weekend.

Francine Gardner said...

I love the look of mirrors but has hardly any in my house. I do not even have a floor length mirror...

Anonymous said...

Splendid :)

charmaine said...

Beautiful! I would love to own an antique floor length mirror! Have a great weekend!

Wilhelmiina said...


A Perfect Gray said...


McKae @ Kaes Corner Design said...

This mirror is gorgeous! I wold love to have a wall full of antique mirrors.

Notes From ABroad said...

Me too !
I have huge mirrors in several rooms in my home and I am always on the lookout for more.
Auctions have served me well :)

Victoria said...

I have a plethora of mirrors -- or is it gaggle -- in my home. I even have a pinterest board for mirrors I find online. Cannot have too many. I love how they bring light into a space, and a beautifully carved and gilded frame is a bonus.


I think you have...a couple of times! And that one is a doozy!!!

Ivy Lane said...

Lovely image! I have been on the hunt for a star burst mirror to hang above my corner fireplace.. I have a beautiful painting on one side and would love a star burst on the other..been searching Ebay lately..lots of good stuff!

Happy Sunday!

Ashley Riley said...

I'm also OBSESSED with mirrors. I love the one you posted. I think mirrors add such great dimension to a room. I added an antique mirror to my master bath and it MAKES the room.

SHCInsideOut@gmail.com said...

Um.. yeah. :D
I'm right there with you! - that one is a beauty.

Jamie Herzlinger said...

I love mirrors too! I think everyone needs a giant gold, gaudy mirror!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

Wish I had the space to put that up! LOVELY!! :))))))


Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

Oh yes!

Anonymous said...

MMMM that pillow is so lovely...im a pillow addict haha:) If you want some swedish decor ala hotel room, you can check out my blog.
I wish you a great week

LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

chichi Furniture said...

Wow, now thats a statement piece. Oh to have a room that large!! Mirrors are just great, can be subtle or ornate, large or small and can complete a rooms style, whatever type of home you have, a great centerpiece.