recently obsessed...

vintage horn box
horn bowl

vintage horn and silver servers
via eddie ross 

horn vases


My Interior Life said...

Loving horn too! Did you see the horn pieces at World Market. I showed some on my latest post. Great affordable choices!

carolyn bradford said...

Love these pictures and Love collecting items made of horn. They are so classic and so pretty!

Raina Cox said...

When the lead photo popped up in my reader, I thought it was a caramel and I was very happy.

The-Countrypolitan said...

Those horn servers are splendid...!

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Nice examples!!!!!! We try to do some in the shop but in smaller pieces they are very popul;ar aroung here!!!!!!!!Especially in the fall....... Maryanne xo

3 Peanuts said...

LOVE horn. My friend was recently in Germany and found some beautiful serving pieces for a greta price. She is kicking herself that she did not buy more.