mirrored screens

hello world. it's me.
the mirror junkie.
I can't really be serious about bringing another mirror into my home, can I?
these mirrored screens make me wanna say, "just one more."



Raina Cox said...

I'm betting room #1 doesn't even need lamps.

charmaine said...

Why not?! Go for it!

tinajo said...

Beautiful interiors - and gorgeous mirrors!

La Dolfina said...

I have a pair of mirrored screens in my living room and love them!

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

I really need to hunt a mirrored screen down........these are gorgeous! xx

Michelle said...

O wow, I think this is the best way to do a screen. LOVE IT!

Studio One Design said...

I love screens - have Asian screens in the living room and dining room. And I did not keep count of the mirrors in my house until I read this post. I guess I need to join the ranks of the mirror junkies. But what I do not have and most assuredly now need is a MIRROR SCREEN! Thank you for sharing!

Woodside Park said...

I'm searching for a mirrored screen for our basement.....working on that room now. Thinking of making my own as our ceilings are quite low. Thanks for the inspirations!

brock street said...

those mirrors are great, but that grey velvet tufted sofa has sent me over the edge.


Not only are they gorgeous......every one of those rooms are pretty damn awesome!

Taylor Greenwalt said...


Karena said...

Donna I adore these mirrors! I have a screen I could have mirrors customized for! Great examples...

Art by Karena
2012 Artists Series

rachel said...

These screen are just glorious. I want them! And I would find room somehow.....

Pura Vida said...

I vote at least two more ...at least

Mumbai said...

I am also a mirror hunter. Can't get enough because it makes so much more of a room. Hanging already mirror on mirror and it looks great.

Quatorze said...

Who makes the screen in the first picture?

Quatorze said...

HELP! Who makes the screen shown in the first image? Thanks.