messages on mirrors...

...are you brave enough?


ArchitectDesign™ said...

Great idea and with precedent. In the movie Butterfield 8 that I just blogged about the sets of, Elizabeth Taylor famously scrawls "NO SALE" across a mirror of her 'boyfriends' apartment in her red lipstick when he leaves her money in the morning.

My Notting Hill said...

What a unique post. Brave enough - maybe if it was something I could scrub off if I got tired of it.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Yes I'm brave enough, I love all 3 photos you chose.

SHERRY HART said... long as I can rub it off when I want:)

Notes From ABroad said...

In my case, it isn't a matter of "bravery" but how long I could live with that annoying scribble on the mirror lol
I would always be compelled to get out the Windex.
I love old mirrors when they age naturally but otherwise, I like to leave them alone.

Jamie Herzlinger said...

Amazing spaces! I can see myself in every one! The floors are to die for!


Jamie Herzlinger

Anajá Schmitz said...

Lindo e inspirador.
Tenha um ótimo dia.

Unknown said...

I have to admit…I've never noticed this look before. Very bold and cool. Am I brave enough? Probably not. :)

Hope all is well with you! Happy Fall!
xoxo Elizabeth

Jill@The Welcome Home said...

I have a large mirror in my dining room and every year for our Christmas Eve party, I write the menu on the mirror.

It would be fun to have other messages on it throughout the year.

Mumbai said...

brave? Yes, I am. I started a long time ago to make notices , wise words, little love messages on the
bathroom mirrow.

Windlost said...

Haha. The only message I need I my mirror is "stop eating so much". But then again, I get that every time I look...

xo Terri