I want to go there...


the fresh, new space that nelya, jenny, and susie have just opened in atlanta's antique factory.
good stuff, folks. good stuff. 


Karena said...

Donna, I am off to check it out! Congrats ladies!


Art by Karena

susie q said...

Donna, thank you so much for the shout out. We hope you can come visit one day! xxoo -susie

nelya said...

Donna, you are just the greatest! Thank you so much for the shout-out and the support. I am so bummed that we missed you on Friday! Yo must come pay us a visit again soon. Thank you, than you, thank you!


my favorite and my best- MFAMB to you said...

ur awesome.
thank you.

Splendid Willow said...

Donna, I am coming with you!

Happy to start my week here. You are one special girl.

Warm hugs,


My Interior Life said...

Amen, Donna, I'm hitting up Minty on my next Atlanta excursion which will hopefully be in December!

savvycityfarmer said...

If you say so ... heck I'd bow down at your feet!!

Acquired Objects said...

Ok I'll have to go too so I'm off for a browse.

Tobe | BIA said...

i'll go with you.

Sarah Greenman said...

Pilgrimage! Let's do it!