I knew he was going to Spain, but...

now I find out that my son, on his summer high school trip, is also going to Morocco.
 Will a rug like this fit in your suitcase, kid? A pants leg?  


Raina Cox said...

Can you fit in his suitcase? ;)

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Amazing, I've always wanted to go there. What a trip! Love the rug images...if only one could cram into a suitcase! Janell

An Urban Cottage said...

I was just looking at these rugs over the weekend. Some of them are so cool they should be framed.

Karena said...

Lucky young man Donna, well he MUST bring you back something special (if not a rug!)

Art by Karena

La Dolfina said...

I love Spain!!!!

for the love of a house said...

ummmmm... I'm thinking that sweet boy and his school mates need a chaparone...YOU (with extra luggage!) I'm sure they wouldn't all mind going to look for decorative items while on their big trip;);)
Sounds fun... Dan still talks about a trip to Europe that he went on in high school!!

brock street said...

can you convince him to grab 2? i will pay for extra luggage cost :)

gatherings home said...

Hi donna....been reading your blog for a while. First comment though.

Uhhhh....is he a shopper? If so, you're good to go. Arm him with pics and cash! Aaaaannnnnnddddd, bribe him.....big time!

Acquired Objects said...

I love Spain too do they need a tour guide? Lucky son and since Mom and Dad are footing the bill the least he could do is lug back one of those gorgeous rugs!


Splendid Sass said...

Don't you just love it? I do too!
So simple but perfect.
Happy Wednesday.

Jamie Herzlinger said...

This rug is gorgeous!!!

Sherri Cassara said...

Kids have all the fun, don't they?
Forget the luggage - have him ship it home!


Strooth! Get loads and fill sleeves trousers you name it. Tell your lucky boy his next trip will be Paris (Merci do nice rugs)... Oh you better put hs pocket money up too!


Oh boy......gotta figure out a way to get one of those beauties:)

Chris Collins said...

Nice rug! It's great with wooden floors! Thanks for posting.

Jamie Herzlinger said...

Oh my! I am in love with those rugs, I may need to go there myself to bring my goodies!!

Meadow Lake said...

Beautiful rug. My stepson, who is not a shopper, went to Spain and Morocco last year and came home with a rug for himself!