John Robshaw's New York Apartment...

Textile Designer John Robshaw's New York apartment is featured in New York Social Diary.
I'm usually one for a spare and light-feeling space, 
but this apartment, filled with John's art, books, and travel treasures,
 is a real feast for the eyes...

(The gray walls are Ben Moore's New Hope Gray)


Woodside Park said...

How divine!!!! This is full of character, personality and eclectic charm. I am a big fan of his prints - just picked up two pillows in blue and white. xo

paula said...

Love that! Looks well loved and lived in.


Such an eclectic space......I love the undecorated look.....

bluehydrangea said...

I don't know if I could live with it but I sure do love looking at the pictures!!

Laura said...

Looks a bit too well lived in. Amazing collection, but rather careless in it's construct.

Rico said...

I love big paintings in small places, as in that first photo. I think people are hesitant to do it, because it's a commitment to living with a work of art in a very immediate way; but it is so often how the work was created in the artist's studio. There's an intimacy and an expansion of space rather than the pre-supposed constriction/limitation of it that I find so wonderful. I wish people would be more daring in terms of the art they collect and the spaces into which they install them.

April said...

This is a home, not a showplace and is all the more refreshing for it. So many designer's home featured in publications looked tidied up and sterile. Messy is how most of our homes look...until we give a dinner party and than frantically tidy up!

Kudos to Mr. Robshaw who seems to live a full and busy life.