gray chest


savvycityfarmer said...

I. w.a.n.t. i.t.

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Falling in love over here - so beautiful!

Acquired Objects said...

Gray chest, gray books, gray urns and walls....perfection!


That picture is so simple but I love it......

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Love this!

My Interior Life said...

Ooh, pretty. I could use one of these somewhere. Anywhere.

Vanessa@decor happy said...

I think I needed to come over here today and see this as I have been debating to paint an armoire a gray such as this or a bold colour. So, thanks!

I Dream Of said...

Gorgeous. And those urns. Wow!

quintessence said...

Love this absolutely perfect little chest - it could go anywhere - love it styled just as it is!

red ticking said...

love the simplicity and color...
have a wonderful day sweetie... package on it's way!
so sorry for delay... xoxo

Brandi@ Flights of Whimsy said...

Umm yes! what a beautiful light shade of gray!

Tades said...

I like how the center knob on the top drawer is slightly lower and on the bottom drawer it's slightly higher - it makes a neater pattern than if they'd been all even!

Amber B (Simple Dwellings) said...

I love that chest of drawers! What a beautiful gray. Please check out my latest blog entry, "What a Kitchen!" The walls have a beautiful gray on them!

Carol@TheDesignPages said...

Gorgeous vignette. I love that each dresser drawer has 3 knobs. You don't see that too often.

Windlost said...

Perfection, for sure. Love it all. xo T.

Unknown said...

Simple. And perfect!

Glamour Drops said...

Now, would one need to have 3 hands to open these drawers, I wonder? Or maybe you could have the middle knob as a secret button that would make a hidden compartment pop open? Oh, what fun!
By the way Donna, I have just discovered a fab house on the market that I reckon you would love ~ it uses a delicious selection of pale and charcoal greys {including a concrete kitchen bench}. So do check it out at my blog at

Party Resources said...

Forget the chest - I want the urns!!!

ALR said...

I really love it. The color, the hardware, the size...I'll take it.

Amy R.

Mona Thompson said...

I'll take it!

Snippets/Sarah said...

Something about the softness of this grey caught my attention. I ended up creating my blog in neutrals and greys even though I tend to bolder colors in real life. But blogland isn't real life is it?! I am enjoying discovering your blog and I'll read some more...

Charlotta Ward said...

Looks perfectly wonderful and I get Gustavian vibes. How could my Swedish heart not skip a beat..?!?

xx C

Callie Grayson said...

so dreamy! love that blueish gray and that hardware is perfect

Splendid Willow said...

A Swedish beauty! I used to import Swedish antiques. Did I ever tell you? I had a blast doing it!

Love to you.
