
via The Roof Over My Head

via Apartment Therapy

via Apartment Therapy

sexy mirror backsplash.

do you dare?


the gardener's cottage said...

looks beautiful, but i'm the messiest cook in the world and lord what a mess they'd be if i had them.

savvycityfarmer said...

oh hey, we're BOTH on the kitchen wave length today ...

happy weekend

La Maison Fou said...

Nice. I think an antiqued mirror backsplash would be really reflective and design chic!

Acquired Objects said...

No mirrors in my kitchen I don't want to see myself first thing in the, but the look is stunning!

Enjoy your day Donna!

Brandi@ Flights of Whimsy said...

My former boss had this in her kitchen but the way it was there made it feel so dated. The AT pic with the diamond mirror though is amazing. And this would be so easy to clean! No grout!

Splendid Willow said...

Don't dare... Would have a heart attack every time I saw myself in the mirror while grabbing myself a cup of coffee...!

Hugs to you!


24 Corners said...

I would given the right windows lets say, I think mirrors are wonderful in the kitchen.
xo J~

My Notting Hill said...

I really love it. I wonder though if I would obsess about the inevitable water spots, etc that would get on their and be so visible right away. Wish I had a butler's panty because I would definitely put it there.

katie [the bright life] said...

I LOVE it!! Not that I'm redoing a kitchen anytime soon or anything, but this is seriously beautiful. Xo, Katie

liza said...

I especially like the first one.
I would definitely love a back-painted glass backsplash, which is not so different from a mirror one, right?

Notes From ABroad said...

I considered this for about a minute when designing our current kitchen. But I want to spend less time in the kitchen, not more, windexing all the mirrors 2-3 times a day. White tile works fine for me.
BUT, if I get a full time housekeeper/cook, I am getting mirrors :D

Michelle said...

I like the diamond mirrors, but it feels more appropriate for a wet bar area than for a cooking area.

Sarah Greenman said...

This would be a tough sell in my house. But I love the photos above. I just know that I could never reach that kind of style in my kitchen - mostly because all the sippy cups would gunk it up. Then there is the question, "Do I want to see myself in the mornings?"

for the love of a house said...

I think it's a great effect and look, but I wouldn't do it personally!


Anonymous said...

Love the last kitchen but I wonder like "my notting Hill" if I would obsess over water marks! amazing in photos though!

Kathysue said...

I actually thought about doing a mirrored backsplash, so I put a mirror on my counter to get a feel for what it would look like. I then realized that I would see 2 of everything on my counter and it was just too, too much for my design aesthetics, I have to have a sparce looking counter and the mirror made it look messy to my eye, Kathysue

Victoria said...

I love the look, but I would not want it for myself. As Kathysue said, it can look to busy. It also would be a maintenance issue unless you don't do much cooking.

Virginia Country House said...

There is a certain lovely sparkly gray-ness to mirrors isn't there? I love them in small spaces and have toyed with the the idea in my kitchen.


Fabulous in a bar area of somewhere where there is not a whole heck of a lot of water....I love it! Especially when it is antiqued.

Anonymous said...

Love, love love this post!

You would not "see yourself in the morning" unless you are less that 4 feet tall....You would have to squat down (good exercise !) What the heck? Just antique the mirrors.......(they do that it and it is not expensive.) and your kitchen will sparkle and not even grease will show!
Whose splash is at eye level? HUH???? When I stand at the counter in my kitchen..........I look into the second shelf at the oatmeal.........or the coffee cups. Mirrors are for bouncing light around the room! blurring borders! expanding space! and making sparkle!

What am I missing here?
It is kinda scary thatI am finding a bunch of "fraidy cats" out here in blog land? What's up??

This is ridiculous!

Go "out there" within reason.......these are the most ridiculous reasons "not" to have mirrored splashes I have ever seen!
They add sparkle and dimension to a kitchen! No one can see themselves except the grandchildren who have a stool! And they LOVE to see themselves! That will keep them busy for hours making faces!

What has happened to the "fun factor"?

Elsie de Wolfe said: "Use your mirrors...and you will multiply the pleasures of your room"!

Learn from the "masters"!


Karlie said...

I actually do have a mirrored back splash in my kitchen where my gas stove top is! It's a dark corner & the mirrored back splash was the perfect solution for it! Love it & truly a little windex & viola it sparkles! So yes I dare! :)

corner curio cabinet said...

Nice. Love the last kitchen I think it's a great effect and look.