a gray kitchen and two perfectly aged mirrors...

in a home tour from the newest Lonny.


Meg said...

These mirrors are awesome. With this wooden shelf look great.

the gardener's cottage said...

how lucky to have not one but 2 of those mirrors! doesn't seem fair.


Splenderosa said...

I want!
Just gorgeous.

Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

That entire vignette is delicious! Love the symmetry, bit of old world rustic meets Parisian glam! Pinning as we speak!

xo- Julie
Peace! Love! LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog

Katy Byrne said...

SO pretty! That console is perfectly styled and I love the texture the antique mirrors bring. Lovely


Unknown said...

Adore the mirrors, they look incredible against the gray and the red feature chair is a fab addition to :o)

shirley said...

Those mirrors are to die for!!

shirley said...

Those mirrors are to die for!!!